Monday, August 12, 2019

The forgotten or hidden part about nagging

When someone nags, what's also true is that this person has asked multiple times for resolution in an area - without receiving it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Scheduled for completion on August 12

Payment will be made.
Thank you for the privilege of serving you and your family.
Thank you for kicking me out* of your family.
*In all things, give thanks.

Monday, August 5, 2019


I have lost weight.
I have travelled down, through 2 (?) clothes sizes,  to ... (?)
I haven't bought any new clothes lately, so I am not sure what size I currently am.
It's interesting to see my smallest clothes swimming on me, now - and I must cinch fabric tight, around my waist - or else.
(Another time this happened, I was nursing a rapidly growing baby, and the weight just seemed to melt off me. At that time, various people volunteered that I could have some of Their excess weight, to carry for them, since I seemed to have less of my own to carry around.)