Friday, November 1, 2019

Happy November 1

Happy first day of the month ... and happy upcoming 4 bears day: the day of the dead.
It's enrichening to think about those who came before us - at least on one of the days of a year? It gives a greater depth to our experience, to be able to see one's life as part of something larger, and stretching through much deeper time, like an elastic web with some "give" to it.
A remaining question: can the web of deep time, and incarnate experience, fold back in on itself and possibly contact another part of the web? Woo-woo! ;-)
[Maybe if the web can also act like visco-elastic bubble plastic - ?! Oldsters: Remember the toy Super Elastic Bubble plastic? I carefully saved and hoarded my birthday money, to make sure I could acquire me some of that stuff, in a timely fashion, deep in childhood. Certain things just capture the attention, currency and Ka-Ching of childhood, heh.] ;-)

(Yesterday, which is a culturally distinctive day of the year, where I and my peoples are from - I felt nearly like I was on a direct communication pipeline with my grandmother Claudia, for a while, somehow. Anyway - no matter how my illusion or disillusion/delusion was: I imagined some kind and encouraging words that I might have reasonably expected to hear from her - and then it was almost as if she were right next to me, softly speaking those words, with a smile.) ;-)

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